The Blog Post That Took 21 Years to Write…
Even if it takes you months, take good advice from good friends
For those of you who know me from the WordPress community, you might know that I’ve been in this business since 1994. What you might not know is that I have never had a public website of my own. I’ve followed and then come to know many of the very smart people in the WordPress community: I’ve read their blogs, met them in real life, and forged some great friendships. Along the way, most of them who write eventually ask me, “do you have a blog?” I would always find one way or another to get out of answering the question by making a quip on the anecdote of the cobbler’s children’s shoes.
As my personal and business friendship deepened with Chris Lema, he began to increasingly urge me, as far back as two years ago, to start blogging about some of my experience and outlook on managing and growing professional service firms.
I instantly agreed with him on the concept, but the minute I would sit down and actually try to write out my thoughts on the subject, they always felt incomplete, and I’d be overcome with writer’s block.
At WordCamp San Francisco in 2014, Chris did a wonderfully inspiring presentation. With the best intentions, I felt like I could finally start this blog, but as we all know, one excuse leads to another, and here we are 7 months later, and I’m finally getting a start on this.
My intention is to honor the spirit of what I have embraced entering the Open Source community in sharing my experiences, thoughts, and strategies so that I may offer them for open conversation and even better iterations by others in and outside of the Open Source community.
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In the posts to come, I hope to inspire, intrigue, and engage. While I don’t know if I’ll be able to match Chris’ inspiringly consistent posting schedule, into the breach we plunge.
So. Let’s have a conversation.